AESD Professional Learning EL Survey for WAKids Trainers

*Required field


7. As a result of participating in this professional learning experience, I have broadened/deepened my existing knowledge of

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Addressed
* a) Rigorous, developmentally appropriate practices.
* b) Rich, research-informed instructional tasks.
* c) Improving family engagement.
* d) Implementing individualized instructional practices to ensure equitable opportunities and close learning gaps.

8. As a result of participating in this WaKIDS training, I have broadened/deepened my existing knowledge and understanding of the following

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Addressed
a) This training increased my understanding of the purpose of WaKIDS.
b) This training increased my understanding of observational assessment.
c) This training increased my understanding of the use of WaKIDS as a formative assessment.
d) I feel prepared to conduct the Family Connection component of WaKIDS.
e) I feel prepared to conduct the Whole-Child Assessment component of WaKIDS.

9. As a result of participating in this Full Day K training, I have broadened/deepened my existing knowledge and understanding of the following

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Addressed
a) Child development and how to address how young children learn.
b) The key components of an effective kindergarten environment and how that environment can play a critical role in a child's learning.
c) How to effectively implement rigorous developmentally appropriate learning activities in a full day kindergarten.
d) The state requirements for implementing full day kindergarten.

10. As a result of participating in this Early Numeracy training, I have broadened/deepened my existing knowledge and understanding of

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Addressed
a) How children develop in their understanding of early mathematics concepts and skills.
b) The use of the Learning Pathways in Numeracy to identify and assess the developmental progression of children in their understanding of early mathematics concepts and in their skills.
c) Early mathematics content.
d) Incorporating developmentally appropriate activities that support the foundational early mathematics concepts of Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, or Geometry (whichever topic was covered).

16. Thinking about your professional learning session, how would you rate it for the following?

Very Good
Very Poor
Does Not Apply
* a) Meeting the stated learning objectives of the session.
* b) Use of engaging and useful activities to facilitate your learning.
* c) Introducing you to useful resources such as curriculum materials, research articles, and practice information?
* d) Providing timely, relevant information that you will be able to apply in your work setting.
* e) Engaging you in discussion with other participants in ways to facilitate your learning.
* f) Providing sufficient time for you to process the information collaboratively with colleagues.
* g) Motivating you to recommend these types of sessions to your work colleagues.